
Materiais didáticos para aprender russo >> ESCOLHA O TÍTULO E CLIQUE NELE PARA SABER MAIS

Listen2Russian - um site maravilhoso com as explicações em inglês e gravações de nativos russos

Encontrei mais um site rico em conteúdo com os arquivos de áudio. Apropriado para quem está começando aprender russo. Oferece pequenas aulas e demonstra algumas peculiaridades da línguá russa. Possui a transliteração.

Confere o conteúdo:


--Menu: List of Russian Lessons

----Lesson01: The Russian Alphabet

------Lesson01a: The Russian Alphabet and Pronunciation

------Lesson01a: Having Problems with the Russian Alphabet?

------Lesson01b: Itallic and Handwritten Russian Alphabet

------Lesson01c: Part 1: Common Acronyms 1

------Lesson01c: Part 2: Common Acronyms 2

----Lesson02: Greetings and Farewells

------Lesson02a1: Hello

------Lesson02a2: Hello (informal), Hi

------Lesson02b: Daily Greetings

------Lesson02c: How are you?

------Lesson02d1: Positive Responses to 'How are you?'

------Lesson02d2: Negative Responses to 'How are you?'

------Lesson02d3: Less Common Responses to 'How are you?'

------Lesson02e: What is your name?

------Lesson02f: Farewells

----Lesson03: Common Words Set 1

------Lesson03a: Yes, No, Maybe, On the contrary, Certainly

------Lesson03b: Please, Thank you, No thanks, You're welcome

------Lesson03c: Excuse me, I'm sorry

------Lesson03d: What is this? And this? It is a ..

------Lesson03e: Very, Only, A little, A lot

------Lesson03f: And, But

----Lesson04: Numbers

------Lesson04a: 1 - 5

------Lesson04b: 6 - 10

------Lesson04c: 11 - 15

------Lesson04d: 16 - 20

------Lesson04e: 21 - 49

------Lesson04f: 50 - 69

------Lesson04g: 70 - 99

------Lesson04h: 100 - 299

------Lesson04i: 300 - 500

------Lesson04j: 501 - 999

------Lesson04k: 1000 - 3000

------Lesson04l: 4000 - 20000

----Lesson05: Celebrations and Season's Greetings

------Lesson05a: Merry Christmas

------Lesson05b: Happy New Year

------Lesson05c: Presents and Trees

----Lesson06: Lesson 6: Pronouns (nominitive case)

------Lesson06a: Personal pronoun "I"

------Lesson06b: Personal pronoun "You" (Informal singular)

------Lesson06c: Personal pronoun "He"

------Lesson06d: Personal pronoun "She"

------Lesson06e: Personal pronoun "We"

------Lesson06f: Personal pronoun "You" (Formal singular or plural)

------Lesson06g: Personal pronoun "They"

----Lesson07: Introduction to Nouns

------Lesson07a: Masculine Nouns

------Lesson07b: Feminine Nouns

------Lesson07c: Neuter Nouns

------Lesson07d: Nouns Ending with Soft-sign -Ь

------Lesson07e: Exceptions to the Rules

------Lesson07f: Advanced Lesson: Plural Nouns: Masculine

------Lesson07g: Advanced Lesson: Plural Nouns: Feminine

------Lesson07h: Advanced Lesson: Plural Nouns: Neuter and Rare Exceptions

----Lesson08: The Soft-sign (Ь): Friend or Foe?

------Lesson08a: Soft-sign following Т: -ТЬ

------Lesson08b: Soft-sign following Л: -ЛЬ

------Lesson08c: Soft-sign following Р: -РЬ

------Lesson08d: Soft-sign following Н: -НЬ

------Lesson08e: Soft-sign following С: -СЬ

------Lesson08f: Soft-sign following Д: -ДЬ

------Lesson08g: Soft-sign following В: -ВЬ

------Lesson08h: Soft-sign following З: -ЗЬ

----Lesson09: Introduction to Adjectives

------Lesson09a: Basic Spelling Rules

------Lesson09b: Rule Exceptions: Masculine and Feminine

------Lesson09c: Rule Exceptions: Neuter and Plural

------Lesson09d: Rule Exceptions: Rare Cases

----Lesson10: Introduction to Verbs

------Lesson10a: Infinitive vs. Conjugated Forms

------Lesson10b: Conjugation of Type 1 Verbs

------Lesson10c: Type 1 Example: понимать (to understand)

------Lesson10d: Conjugation of Type 2 Verbs

------Lesson10e: Type 2 Example: говорить (to speak)

------Lesson10f: Conjugation of Type 3 Verbs

------Lesson10g: Conjugation of Type 4 Verbs

------Lesson10h: Conjugation of Type 5 Verbs

----Advanced Phrases (ADP)

------ADPa: I would like ...

------ADPb: In the restaurant

------ADPc: How old are you?

------ADPd: Love and missing

------ADPmisc: Miscellaneous words

------ADP3a Part 1: Yes, No

------ADP3a Part 2: Maybe, Possibly

------ADP3e Part 1: Very

------ADP3e Part 2: Very, A little

------ADP3e Part 3: A lot, Many, Much

------ADP3f Part 1: And / but, And, But

------ADP5b Part 1: Happy New Year

--About Us

--Contact Us

----Contribute Voice Recordings

------How to Make Quality Sound Recordings

------How to Set the Microphone Recording Level


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